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Vieux 21/09/2007, 19h57
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Par défaut Magna Mundi Gold

Ce mod semble si ambitieux qu'il serait interessant que nous rassemblions ici nos connaissances... ce qui sera utile pour tous.
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Vieux 21/09/2007, 20h37
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Il existe des events liés a des ressources, on peut par exemple avoir le monopole de l'épice, où un monopole partiel si on contrôle suffisament de provinces a épices, ca donne un petit bonus commercial sympathique (+4% et +4% de s'imposer pour un monopôle "limité", par encore arriver a avoir mieux).
EU2 : GPO Molo, l'AAR.

Dernière modification par Leaz ; 21/09/2007 à 23h47.
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Vieux 21/09/2007, 20h42
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Déjà un conseil si jamais un de vos monarques meurt sans descendance : préparez vous au pire.
Dans mon test avec le portugal, mon premier roi est mort relativement rapidement, et j'ai eu droit, malgré une bonne stabilité (+1), à une révolte générale des nobles avec des taux de révoltes à +20 %, des révoltes scriptées, des villes qui tombent automatiquement dans l'escarcelle des rebelles etc...
Avec en outre des raids des pirates mauresques qui par event viennent vous diviser vos revenus par 2 !

Le tout a duré un certain moment (plusieurs années).
Donc toujours être conscient que son pays peut plonger dans la crise tout seul, sans intervention extèrieure.
Enfin sans intervention extèrieure.... avec les nouvelles possibilités d'espionnage, un pays spécialisé en espionnage peut faire très mal également en accentuant grandement le risque de révoltes et tou le reste.
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Vieux 22/09/2007, 00h50
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Je viens de tester la guerre civile et la réforme en France... glopp
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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h02
Avatar de Manu Militari
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Welcome to the booklet explaining the new concepts for National Ideas implemented in Magna Mundi Gold!

With the advent of Napoleon’s Ambition, modders were presented with a new set of capabilities to further the game’s scope. Among these was the ability to introduce triggers in National Ideas and that lead to a new approach on the role of ideas before game start, their impact during the game and the seamless inclusion of a new layer of strategy when considering long term choices.


Four vectors guided this new approach to National Ideas.

First and foremost, all the National Ideas should present credible choices to a human player, given the right circumstances.

Second, a new concept is introduced: specialization. Upon choosing four National Ideas of the same branch of knowledge, a new idea, previously inaccessible, becomes available for choosing. This NI is not the be all and end all of the relevant field of knowledge, but it is certainly more powerful than any other single idea of the same field.

Third, all the nations start now with three predefined National Ideas to help us define better the differences between each nation. This is not some kind of blind guess about who gets what, compounded by accurate pickings for England and France. No, this was an extensive research done by a single team member that faithfully recreates the most relevant aspects of thought at the start of the game for each country of the world.

Fourth, we fine tuned the National Ideas to present valid options for the AI to pick them in order to add variety to the game. This requires lots of testing and it is much easier said than done. The way the AI chooses the National Ideas is totally different from the human and a fine balance between four factors must be achieved (what is interesting to the AI, what is interesting to the human, the specific idea concept and its balance).

We think we managed to provide a good balance between them all. The National Ideas are now more powerful, with more diverse effects. The Top Tier National Idea for each field of knowledge provides even more unique bonus while furthering others previously chosen.
We hope you have as much fun playing with the new ideas as we had designing it all!


When a country has 4 National Ideas of the same type, and if the country is considered a Medium Power or better, the higher level idea becomes available. Every combination of ideas will grant this bonus, as long as all four are of the same branch of knowledge.

This will happen based on an event that fires around 10 to 50 years after acquiring the 4th National Idea of the same type.

Note the player/AI does not need to choose 4 ideas of the same type straight. He can pick whatever he wants. When four ideas of the same type are chosen, he is eligible to receive the event granting the advanced idea.

Recapping how to be able to choose the Advanced NI for a specific field:

- The nation must be at least a Medium Power

- The nation must have 4 National Ideas selected of the same type.

- After the fist two conditions are met, the event that enables the advanced idea will fire sooner or later (it takes some decades). After firing, the advanced idea is enabled.

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Dernière modification par Manu Militari ; 22/09/2007 à 17h20.
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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h08
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118
Découverte SERG 1

The Holy Roman Empire

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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h10
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118
Découverte SERG 2

The Holy Roman Empire II

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Very Brief History

The Holy Roman Empire began with the reign of Charlemagne in 800 C.E.. As King of the Germans and Emperor of the Romans, the Emperor was at once a secular ruler and a spiritual guardian of the Catholic faith, as well as of the Roman legal tradition. In the High Middle Ages, conflicts with powerful local lords had weakened the Emperors. By the 1450s, they were mere figureheads, presiding over a quarrelsome group of states who pursued their self-interests with little effective oversight by the Empire.

Yet, the moral authority that came with the Imperial crown continued to carry considerable weight. Some later Emperors – notable Charles V in the 16th century – attempted to reshape the power relations in the Empire, attempting to centralize influence in their hands by creating Empire-wide institutions, and by curbing the power of the Electors.

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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h13
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118
Découverte SERG 3

The Holy Roman Empire III

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The Empire in Magna Mundi

The Peace of the Realm ("Landfrieden") and the use
of Imperial Force ("Reichsexekution")

Even at its weakest, the German states recognized the role of the Empire as a peacekeeper. Instead of deciding territorial and dynastic conflicts by force, the Empire offered a legal framework for peaceful solutions. When in doubt, ancient rights and venerable traditions were regarded as more valid than claims based on sheer power.
Whenever a province in the Empire is stolen from its rightful owner, the conqueror will be asked to return it to the rightful owner, or face the consequences. If you are the Emperor, it is your job to make sure the Peace of the Realm is preserved. When an aggressor refuses to return a province to its rightful owner, you will be asked to choose a response. The harsher the penalty you threaten, the more likely the aggressor is to give in.
If the Emperor, himself, is the aggressor, he can expect that a refusal to return a province will sour his relations with the Electors. Repairing these damaged relations can be just as costly as manufacturing a claim on a province, and a premature demise of the present Emperor may well mean that a rival is voted into office.

The Imperial Demesne ("Reichslande")

An exceptionally gifted Emperor may be able to expand the power of the institution of the Emperor, and to expand the territory under his control, without aggravating the Electors and other members states. He can do so by creating an Imperial Demesne. This is a territory that is governed by the Emperor, without being a part of the Emperor's country.
Whenever the crown changes hands, so does this territory. As a result, becoming Emperor comes with an added bonus of income and manpower. Since the Emperor's country cannot claim this land as its core, it cannot recruit armies or navies here.
The more provinces are added to the Demesne, the more powerful the institution of the Emperor will become. Provinces can become part of the Demesne in different ways:
An aggressor within the Empire may decide to turn over a province he conquered to the Demesne, instead of the original owner. The Emperor may on occasion be able to do the same. And small member countries of the Empire might submit themselves voluntarily to the Demesne, if they believe they are better off under Imperial protection. Finally, many European provinces outside of the Empire may be turned into a part of the Demesne by the Emperor, after he conquered them.
As Emperor, you may release parts of the Demesne as vassals. Giving back its independence to a country will be good for the power of the Empire, even though the released territories will leave the Demesne and end their vassalization to you, immediately.

The Demesne can only be expanded if the Emperor has certain qualifications. If he lacks these, neither he nor any other member state can initiate the addition of a province to the Demesne.

If the Emperor has any of these minimum qualifications, he might have a chance to expand the Demesne whenever a province is conquered:
" Diplomatic AND Administrative Ability of 6
" Diplomatic OR Administrative Ability of 7
" 5-Star Diplomat or Statesman Advisor
" Prestige of 90
" Is "Strong Leader" (see below, "Degrees of the Emperor's Authority")

If the Emperor has any of these qualifications, he will always have a chance to expand the Demesne if he conquers a province:
" Diplomatic AND Administrative Ability of 7
" Diplomatic OR Administrative Ability of 8
" Prestige of 99
" Is "Powerful Leader" (see below, "Degrees of the Emperor's Authority")

The Demesne will change hands, whenever the Emperor's title does. Only a hereditary Emperor will be able to avoid this loss to his territory.

Imperial Power and Reform of the Empire

Imperial power is, on one hand, a measure of the Empire's ability to maintain peace and order, in its role as a neutral arbiter, defender of ancient rights, and guarantor of the rule of law. We call this "Imperial Power." On the other hand, growing Imperial power also expands the possibilities for the Emperor to shape the Empire and use his increasing "Degrees of the Emperor's Authority."
While most member states will prefer to see the Empire strengthened so that it can defend them against aggressive, larger countries within and without Germany, the Electors play a more dubious role. They might favor strengthened Imperial institutions, because they hope they will weaken the Emperor. They will certainly guard their own rights jealously, opposing any move by the Emperor to expand the influence of his own home country at the expense of others. The ultimate offense to the Electors would be a hereditary title of Emperor. This, however, was the ultimate aim of strong Emperors like Charles V.
The Electors may attempt a limited, local centralization of Imperial institutions, at the expense of the power of the Emperor. Their goal is to create Imperial Circuits ("Reichskreise"), essentially regional administrative units under the domination of the most powerful local state. If a country is the Convener of an Imperial Circuit, you can see a crown icon on the province detail window of its capital province.
Any attempt at a reform of Imperial institutions will have to navigate this tangle of interests. The better a central institution can defend the rights of all member states of the Empire, the more likely it is to increase the power of the Empire. Strengthened centralized institutions can only be created as a federal effort. For instance, Electors will insist on their right to appoint judges to a Reich Court ("Reichskammergericht").

Levels of Imperial Power

There are ten levels of Imperial Power, ranging from 1 to 10. Go to the capital of the Emperor's country to find out how strong the Empire is. The more powerful the Empire - that is to say, the more capable the Empire is of enforcing peace and law - the more the population in that capital province expands, as people from all corners of the Realm flock here on state business, for trade, or to seek an audience. This inflow of population is a good indicator of just how strong the Emperor is: It will range from 1% to 10%, corresponding to the ten levels of power (1 to 10). This value will be viewable in the hover help over the crown icon in the upper right corner of the province window ("Imperial Court").

Imperial power will grow, for example,
" a little, whenever a province is restored to its rightful owner
" a bit, whenever a province is incorporated into the Demesne
" a lot, when the Emperor become Defender of the Faith or is crowned by the Pope

Imperial power will wane, for example,
" a little, whenever a province in the Empire is stolen
" a bit, when the Demesne loses a province (unless it is at the same time returned to its rightful owner), or when a country in the Empire falls under foreign vassalage
" a lot, when the Emperor is excommunicated or converts to a Protestant religion

Imperial Power will grow whenever an Emperor is perceived as putting the common good above his own interest; and it will wane whenever the Emperor violates the rights of other states in the Empire.

Degrees of the Emperor's Authority

There are four Degrees of the Emperor's Authority:
" Figurehead of a Factious Association (Imperial Power of 1-3)
" Symbolic Leader of a Loose Federation (Imperial Power of 4-6)
" Strong Leader of a Cordial Union (Imperial Power of 7-9)
" Powerful Leader of a Unified Empire (Imperial Power of 10)

As Imperial Power grows or wanes, the Emperor will advance or regress on this scale. A modifier will always inform him of his present standing. There will also be a flag icon in the province window of Oberpfalz (home to the City of Regensburg, where the Reichstag meets), informing others of the Emperor's current Degree of Authority.

The greater the Emperor's Authority, the more options he will have to reshape the institutional structure of the Empire; and the more likely it will be for his initiatives to be approved by the Reichstag. Only a powerful leader of a unified Empire may attempt a bid to make his title hereditary, eliminating the influence of Electors on the process. Short of heredity, he may be able to replace electors at his whim, without consulting the Reichstag.

While a strong Emperor might be tempted to abuse his authority, he should be aware that each step he takes against the rights of member states will reduce Imperial Power, thereby threatening his Degree of Authority.

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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h17
Avatar de Manu Militari
Manu Militari Manu Militari est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118
Découverte SERG 4

The Holy Roman Empire IV

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Imperial Institutions

The Estates of the Realm ("Reichstag")

The Reichstag is an assembly of the rulers of all states within the Empire. The different categories of members sit on different benches:

o Spiritual Lords
o Temporal Lords
o Imperial Cities.

Each bench has one vote. When member states of the Empire talk to each other at Reichstag sessions, that is usually a good sign for the peace and quiet of the Realm (you will see occasional messages about such contacts). The Reichstag will also have a say in the creation of additional Imperial institutions. It also determines replacements for Electors that have lost their title, or have been annexed.

The Electors ("Kurfürsten")

The Electors choose the Emperor. This gives them a position of power in the Empire, even if they rule over a very small country. As power-brokers within the Realm, they have an interest in maintaining both the Empire, and their privileges and rights within it.
If they perceive an Emperor as too weak to protect their rights, or too strong to respect them, they might begin coalescing around a rival for the crown. If they are pleased with the Emperor, they will be quite loyal to his country, and will be likely to vote for the heir of the present Emperor.
Since the Electors are so powerful, the question arises: who determines who gets to be an Elector? Ordinarily, this is the privilege of the Reichstag. This selection process is a long and arduous negotiation between different regional interests and rulers with strong egos. The constitution of the Empire provides that there must always be seven electors: three archbishops (spiritual electors) and four Princes (temporal electors). Republics need not apply. If an Elector's country is annexed, or if the Emperor removes an Elector from office as punishment for stealing a province, the remaining Electors will make sure that a suitable replacement is found, so that there will always be three spiritual and four temporal electors.
A strong Emperor may be able to expand the number of Electors, appointing up to two additional ones - loyal supporters of his own noble house. He may also be able to take over from the Reichstag the function of appointing a replacement elector. If he chooses to exercise this power, he will, however, damage his standing as a protector of the ancient rights of the Estates of the Realm. Therefore, he might choose not to interfere, and to keep the Reichstag in charge of handling the appointment of Electors.
If the Emperor wants to reform the Empire, by creating strong central institutions that can bind the member states more closely to each other, he needs the support of Electors. Only an Emperor who has managed to make the crown hereditary will be able to dismiss the electoral college, entirely.

Reich Court ("Reichskammergericht")

Establishing such a Chamber will strengthen the rule of law in the Empire.
If this Court is established, it will be set up in the City of Wetzlar (Nassau). This will be indicated by a crown icon in the province window of Nassau.

¢ boosts Imperial Power over time
¢ makes it less likely for Imperial Circuits to be established
¢ speeds up court cases that are brought over provinces stolen
¢ may dampen an Emperor's influence, when it gets very strong
¢ may invalidate Imperial edicts
¢ may invalidate an attempt to make the Emperor's title hereditary

" Must be "Symbolic Leader" or better.
" Must have relations above 150 with one member from each bench of the Reichstag:
o one theocratic Elector
o one secular Elector
o one Imperial City

Criminal Code ("Reichsgesetzbuch")

A unified Code of Law will further bolster the trust placed in the Empire by members.

¢ lower stability costs for all member states
¢ Emperor may receive popular support for his policies
¢ will improve relations between the Emperor and the most commercially active member states within and without the Empire
¢ may create problems if friends of the Emperor's run into trouble with the law

" Must be "Symbolic Leader" or better.
" Must have established a Reich Court
" Must have relations above 150 with one member from each bench of the Reichstag:
o one theocratic Elector
o one secular Elector
o one Imperial City

Imperial Tax ("Reichspfennig")

A tax on all adult male subjects within the Empire, levied directly by the Emperor.

¢ annual payment to the Emperor (50-200 ducats, depending on his Degree of Authority)
¢ members will receive 20% lower direct (annual) tax income
¢ strengthens Electors' resistance to the Emperor

" Must be "Strong Leader" or better.
" Must be allied with one member from each bench of the Reichstag (and needs relations of 120 or higher with that ally):
o one theocratic Elector
o one secular Elector
o one Imperial City

Hereditary Imperial Title

The highest degree of centralization, this will give the Emperor almost as much power as the Kings of Spain, France, or England.

¢ The Emperor will always be succeeded by his heir
¢ There will be no more regency councils for the Emperor's country
¢ The Demesne will de-facto become part of the Emperor's country (no cores, though)
¢ Electors will be abolished
¢ blocks formation of Germany by another country
¢ Makes it more likely to be subject to a popular revolution

" Must be "Powerful Leader"
" Must have vassalized and be allied with all Electors OR must have eliminated all electors

Imperial Circuits ("Reichskreise")

Administrative divisions that take over Imperial functions, under the control of a powerful local country, or the local elector ("Convener").
These Circuits may be established individually, at different times. Their full effect is strongest, when every possible Circuit has been created. There can be one circuit for each German culture group.

¢ strongly improves relations between members
¢ will lead to continuous loss of Imperial Power
¢ may block the addition of provinces to the Imperial Demesne in that Circuit
¢ Convener may take over the Imperial function of demanding that aggressors return a province within his Circuit
¢ makes it much more difficult for the Emperor to claim a hereditary title
¢ Convener may form Germany (if he is in the Germanic culture group)

" Emperor must be "Strong Leader" or "Powerful Leader"
" Capital and one additional province owned must be in the potential circuit
" Cannot be Emperor
" Must have good relations with neighbors who share the same culture
" Must not have a neighbor who shares the same culture and is an elector

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Vieux 22/09/2007, 17h18
Avatar de Manu Militari
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118
Découverte SERG 5

The Holy Roman Empire V

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There was no notion of "nationality" during the Early Modern Era. Peasants were peasants, not Germans or Frenchmen. The nobility felt at home with their peers in other countries, but despised those who had to perform physical labor. Certainly, no nobleman would have entertained the notion that he shared the same blood as a peasant living on his land, and owing him rent and tribute. The clergy, likewise, was divided into local parish priests and high officials drawn from different social strata. Their loyalty was with their social peers, not with their "nation."
At the same time, a small group of intellectuals, raised on literature printed in the local vernacular, rather than Latin, began to embrace an idea of the nation that would be familiar to us. If this group grows in size and influence, they might be able to drive a powerful member state of the Empire to pursue the unification of all German states under a single authority.
The convener of an Imperial Circuit will be especially well positioned to take advantage of such a movement. But there are dangers in embracing a popular idea, when you are a monarch. After all, your power does not derive from the people, but from God. The idea of the nation may get out of hand, when the people become convinced that they are sovereign. That is of course a ridiculous notion, and we have nothing to fear from such folly.

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