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Vieux 09/05/2007, 21h25
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Azul Mortal
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Messages: 1 722
Par défaut error 1618

J'ai un error 1618 à l'installation.
Et cette histoire est ubuesque.
Il s'agit d'un problème sur une base de registre lors d'une install MSI.
Ca dit qu'une autre install est en cours et qu'il est impossible d'installer autre chose.
Je vais voir sur le support MS Windows.
Il faut un programme du type : msicuu ou msiZap
Sauf qu'il est bien entendu impossible de les installer à cause du problème sus-cité. Bref, le serpent Microsoft se mord la queue.
Voilà, une heure que je me tape une crise de nerf. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider.


Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.


Another setup may not be completed, e.g. because it requires a reboot. Perform two reboots to make sure there are no more pending reboot requests. If the problem persists, try the following:
Warning: You should only edit these registry entries if you really know what you're doing. Back up your hard disk first. We take no responsibility for any damage this may cause.

Empty InProgress Registry Key

Check the following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ins taller\InProgress
and clean any entries that you find. Empty PendingFileRenameOperations Registry Key

Check the following registry key:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
and clean any entries that you find. Use MsiZap to Kill the Offending Setup

1. Check the value "DataBasePath" in
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ins taller\InProgress.

2. Find the *.msi file in the Data of Value "DataBasePath" (will be in form %systemroot%\%rootdirectory%\Installer). For example, "DataBasePath REG_SZ C:\Winnt\Installer\35935D.msi".

3. Go to %systemroot%\%rootdirectory\Installer and delete the *.msi file from the Installer folder.

4. Go into back into registry and check the "Product's GUID" of the pending installation in the following registry key:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\{Product's GUID}
Check Value "ProductName" to find the key of the problem application. Example: "ProductName"="YOURAPP" 4. Run MsiZap.exe (requires Windows 2000/XP) using the following command line:
C:\MsiZap t! <GUID>
Please replace the <GUID> by the id that you have identified.
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