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Vieux 23/09/2009, 14h25
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 298
Par défaut For the Glory Carnet de développement 4

Aujourd'hui, à nouveau le jour de Mercure.
Vous connaissez la routine:

Hello everybody, and welcome to our fourth development diary for ‘For the Glory’ (FTG).

FTG brings new interesting features for the interface and gameplay. Games will never be the same.
The first improvement was the support of all screen resolutions but this was just the frame. We already saw the general interface and the playable political map. Let’s see other important game improvements.

Here is the list of the reminders and warnings (notifiers):
  • When the country is likely to run out of money
  • When there are possible revolts in the country with a sorted list of the involved province and related revolt risk
  • When Domestic Policies can be changed
  • When the country is at half maintenance at war or full maintenance at peace
  • When the country is investing in a technology even though it is at the max level (*)
  • When a truce is expiring
  • When a Casus Belli is expiring
  • When the country is at war
  • When troops are in a foreign territory when at peace and without military access
  • When a loan is due date is approaching
  • When officials can be promoted with the list of possible provinces
  • When ships are sinking at sea because of naval attrition
(*) even with a possible unlimited tech tree, this reminder can still be useful.

I am playing Sweden and I can see where officials can be promoted. I just have to click on the flag and the map will be centered on the first province where I can promote one:

By the way, it seems I forgot to change my Domestic Policies and I am still paying full maintenance while Sweden is at peace...

Core provinces are an important feature in the Europa Universalis games. Cores show provinces that should be protected at all costs or conquered for the expansion of each country. In FTG, we have four different kinds of cores:

National province: this is the standard core with full effect (increased income, increased manpower, no nationalism and permanent Casus Belli against the owner).
National province cores have two symbols, a star above the Coat of Arms and a ribbon just under.

Claim: same effect as a national province, except nationalism is still active and no increased manpower. Targeted provinces are not national according to History but, if owned, income because of direct administration is increased.
Claim cores have only a star above the Coat of Arms.

Casus Belli province: this core only gives a permanent Casus Belli against the owner, and no other effect if owned. This core is useful for colonial provinces in particular but not solely.
Casus Belli cores have a little star above the Coat Of Arms.

Treaty of Tordesillas (ToT) province: provinces that give permanent Casus Belli against the owner if in the Catholic religious subgroup and if not a recipient of the treaty. Corresponding provinces can be taken by force by a recipient even if not at war with the owner. Any province can be part of ToT, even if also national, claim or Casus Belli.
ToT cores have a Catholic cross above the Coat of Arms

ToT cores are now displayed on the political map but only for settled provinces. Colonization mode is required for the display of all of them.

Political map mode:

Colonization map mode:

There is no change to ToT rules but the model can be extended to any country tag now and not only Spain or Portugal (that can even be removed or tweaked in the devoted part of the database).

Of course AI takes cores in account with their different level of importance from national province to Casus Belli in descending order, ToT provinces having a special status.

In FTG, you can find standard leaders as Generals, Admirals, Explorers and Conquistadors. The game added a new leader type: Privateer
A privateer is neither an explorer nor an admiral. He can appear in any owned port and even sea zones. At this time, he will give a temporary Casus Belli to all neighboring countries but this is not the same as commissioning privateers in a sea zone. A privateer can lead any fleet of the country, just like any Admiral. This is not a pirate (well...), even if pirates can have great leaders too.

Mercenaries, pirates, rebels and revolters
Pirates and rebels now have full morale when they appear. They use the most advanced naval or land technology in the world and with full corresponding naval or land Domestic Policy settings, respectively. Not easy to beat but still affordable.

With previous dev diaries, you know how much hiring mercenaries will cost. They also appear at full morale but, as regular units, will use the same land technology as the hiring country.

When a country appears as a result of a successful revolt, the Mother country is now in a defensive war with it and has a temporary Casus Belli against it. The revolter gets an army in its capital province according to the strength of this province.
Other rebels present in the provinces of the new country are converted to regular armies (no change to this rule).

And lastly, rules for defecting provinces have been reworked and all criteria refined.

In FTG, you will find two new adjacencies.
The first one is a land connection. It can be a path through Permanent Terra Incognita between two or more provinces. The second one is a winter conditions connection between two adjacent provinces. If one of the provinces is under winter conditions, movement between the two provinces is forbidden and a little red cross appears on the map. Movement of armies that began before the winter conditions are then stopped if winter conditions are still present at the end of the required movement time.

Land connection between Kyzylkum and Uzbek

Some other game improvements
Many other “little” improvements are present in the game. For example, retreating armies no longer loot provinces. Conversion and colonization chances are computed at the end of the process, not at start (things can change with time). Many tooltips have also been reworked for more precise information... to be continued in a future dev diary.

The next dev diary will be devoted to the new script engine.
Un peu plus concret cette fois!
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 23/09/2009, 16h47
Avatar de Manu Militari
Manu Militari Manu Militari est déconnecté
Un Worms peut en cacher un autre.
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Seine Saint Denis
Messages: 2 118

ENORME : Un détail qui change tout !!!

If one of the provinces is under winter conditions, movement between the two provinces is forbidden
Traduction pour les anglophobes
Envoyé par loi Toubon
Si une des provinces est sous "conditions hivernales", alors les mouvements entre les 2 provinces sont interdits

Voilà comment modifier de façon profonde les conflits et les rendre plus crédible historiquement sans toucher grand chose au code.
1. les "guerres-éclair"
2. coupler avec l'attrition, l'impossibilité de bouger une armée sur un terrain ennemi va faire mal.

Question :"conditions hivernales" ... ok ! Mais cela implique-t-il aussi "hivers légers" (frimas) ou pas ?

Voili, voilou
Un Worms peut en cachez un autre

Dernière modification par Manu Militari ; 23/09/2009 à 16h57.
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Vieux 23/09/2009, 18h04
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 298
Par défaut

Je ne crois pas que celà concerne toutes les provinces, mais seulement celles disposant d'une interconnection par une Terra Incognita.

Ensuite, pour l'hiver, ça doit concerner les hivers déclenchés par le moteur du jeu (i.e. province enneigée toute blanche).

Sinon, je trouve que leurs idées pour les CORES est pas mal du tout! C'est bien meilleur que le système de cores dynamiques-prime au bourrinage de EU3.
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
Réponse avec citation
Vieux 23/09/2009, 20h00
Avatar de Coelio
Coelio Coelio est déconnecté
Archevêque du Rebus
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Dans l'éclat de mes conquêtes
Messages: 5 055
Par défaut

Ah ben ca c'est un bon épisode.

Ma nouveauté préférée concerne les rappels, qui sont utiles et bien pensés.

Le système des Cores est bien, et, bien couplé avec des events historiques comme ceux de l'AGCEEP peut vraiment pousser le réalisme assez loin, surtout maintenant qu'on peut multiplier à l'envi le nombre de cultures.

Les corsaires (?) sont une idée marrante, à voir à l'usage pratique.

Filer une armée à chaque rebelle qui devient indépendant est une TRES bonne chose, pour permettre aux "pays emergents" d'avoir une vraie chance de survie.

Les land connection...Moui, pourquoi pas, je préfererais en fait qu'il n'y ait plus de TI du tout, mais bon, c'est toujours une avancée.

L'hiver, j'attends des précisions pour voir. Le système de l'attrition en hiver était déja à mon sens assez suffisant, surtout en multi, pour freiner les guerres éclairs dans les régions concernées (l'hiver est la meilleure arme de la Ste Russie, ce n'est pas Napy qui dira le contraire), donc carrement fermer le passage... Hum.... A la rigueur je dirais peut-être pour les pays avec une tech pourrie, mais l'armée français ou anglaise en 1815 est encore capable de se déplacer partout et par tous les temps si elle le souhaite, même si elle subit de lourdes pertes.
Si Hannibal a franchi les Alpes avec ses éléphants, interdire à des armées de le refaire au XIXeme me semble un peu étrange

[20:58:20] Akmar Nibelung, Gott dit:
je m'incruste pour faire genre j'ai des amis autres que les pizzas
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