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Vieux 24/09/2009, 16h28
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Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
Par défaut AoD Carnet de développement n°3

Pour eux c'est le Jeudi, donc aujourd'hui...

You may have noticed that we have a new Tab called "Trade".
We put in most of the indicator- and status-interface
from the production menu
We tried to regroup and organize those elements in such a way that it would match common sense.
So the Trade Tab consists now of the Convoy System,
the Resource Depot System and also a window for making quick Trade Agreements. A country
list for quick trade partner selection has also been added.

The best option there, so far, may be our new Auto-Trade Settings Window.
We implemented a lot of options in there so that you can customize your trades
the way you want it. You can block trading for some resources and prioritize
which you want to import.

Currently we work at the Import System which will, when its fully developed,
work with some kind of a double slider which you may have seen already in the new production tab screen shot

A top red marker will indicate how much you actually
want to import, the green bottom slider will indicate your willingness to pay for it.

So you e.g. set a high willingness and a low amount, you will mostly get in all cases
your wanted import trades. with low willingness you probably only get trades with
countries you have good relations with e.g. trades with ITA as GER.

Beside that shiny and practical new auto-trade feature, you can of course make
manual deals in the tab. All Trades now also require convoys should a direct land connection
does not exist.

For trading, money has now become more important than before.
A normal trade deal should always be paid with $'s now, and not with another resource

So summarized, you can customize your auto trade with AOD to a very large extent.

For Province Trading of occupied territory with your allies we integrated some cool
new ingame options accessible via a mouse right click. The well known Venue will appear but will
now give the additional Option to secede a non-national
province to an ally of your choice.

We also fixed some bugs regarding Unit Trading. Ships which were damaged now don't get
repaired for free when traded to an ally. They will remain the Str-Value they had
in the beginning of the trade. This was a popular exploit in MP Games
and is now one extra step towards an bug free game for us!

To give you some insight into the so frequent mentioned modability of the game, here comes some
small code excerpt showing the editable minister effect,modifiers and names.

    # personality fields:
    # personality_string= the string that is placed int the minister csv files
    # name   = the localized string for the personality name
    # desc   = the localized string for the personality description
    # minister_position = HeadOfState/HeadOfGovernment/ForeignMinister/ArmamentMinister/MinisterOfSecurity/MinisterOfIntelligence/
    #                     ChiefOfStaff/ChiefOfArmy/ChiefOfNavy/ChiefOfAir/all
    #                     NOTE! if 'all' is used, no modifiers can be used

    personality = { 
        personality_string = "smiling oilman" 
        minister_position = HeadOfGovernment 
        modifier = { type = resource_mod value = oil modifier_effect = 0.1000 } 
        modifier = { type = accept_alliance_mod modifier_effect = -0.1000 } 

Stay tuned for next weeks Diary when I will talk about the new Espionage and Sabotage System!
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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