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Vieux 02/09/2009, 17h19
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
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Premier Dev diary!

Hello everybody, and welcome to our first development diary for ‘For the Glory’ (FTG). I know this is not Wednesday…

The story began with the announcement of the Europa Engine License Program in January 2008. FTG project was launched in June 2008 and we started the hard work with a main goal in mind: enhancing Europa Universalis II (EU2) but not changing it. Some members of the team are also leaders of one of, if not the most famous mod for EU2: AGCEEP (more than 10,000 historical events and growing, a 1,000 page book for all historical descriptions covering all the continents). With this mod EU2 was pushed to its limits, and with a complete knowledge of the game, we wanted to add what was “missing” in EU2, not redoing some kind of EU3. They are different approaches for different players and different play styles, but both are complementary to one another.

AGCEEP is bundled with the game as a mod and other scenarios are available for those who prefer them. Any other mod or scenario can be added to FTG.

Let’s start introducing the team:
and I, YodaMaster

Some new members will be mentioned in future dev diaries. Some other members joined the team but were unable to be involved or resigned for personal reasons. I just want to thank them now for trying to participate.

Our main tasks in the project:
GeneralSnoopy, MichaelM and Wreck handled the conversion of the source code to the new development platform. The result for players will be compatibility with most recent Windows systems, including Seven. For us, the result was a better control of the source code and bug hunting.

They also focused on game mechanism enhancements, with Dietmar1982 focusing on settings for the game. MichaelM also greatly enhanced the script engine and added many interface improvements. Garbon, as “technical advisor” (i.e. not a programmer) encouraged us and enhanced game scenarios. Well, he has another secret task that started few years ago...

And finally, with Wreck’s new database engine, I was able to build a fully reworked database structure, breaking almost all the limits of the Europa Engine. I also focused on interface and new game features.

Let’s take a look at the interface.

The screenshot is for a 1280x960 resolution. I didn’t dare post a 1680x1050 screenshot but it could have been possible with my 22” wide screen! FTG supports any screen resolution beginning with 800x600. I also had the choice but I preferred to use a modern font and enhanced shields for this screenshot. Selection is easy in the Settings screen before starting a scenario or loading a save file.
This is also the default interface for all countries if no one is defined for the played country.

On the screenshot, you can see the political map mode and yes, it is playable. I can switch display of armies on or off if I want.

On top of the screen, you will find a reworked bar where information adjusts according to the chosen resolution. More room for information, even in 800x600. Just under the top bar, you can see little red flags with different symbols. They are reminders and warnings (notifiers) for the player. Thirteen notifiers are available in the game.

On the left, there is the classic information window. All information windows have been enhanced. In this one, uniforms are exactly the same as on the map and icons for infantry, cavalry and artillery are now shiny gold. Just over the mini map, five icons for different map modes. From left to right: terrain, political, value and... just guess the last two ones. Under the mini map, the three buttons for menu and zoom in/out. Shortcuts for zoom are +/- but why not use the mouse wheel instead?

At the bottom of the screen, no surprise here with the information log.

Let’s take a closer look at the displayed map now. This is indeed the old EU2 2D map. Don’t try to find 3D in this game, Europa Engine was not made for it. As a consequence, FTG is compatible with all maps created for EU2. The same 2020 provinces limit but this is the only limit that didn’t change. All others have been broken and numbers are now unlimited except the number of possible countries: 1000.

If you look closer, you can see Russian cores on the map. I play Poland in the standard “Age of Mercantilism” scenario (1617) but I can check the cores of any other country. All the cores shown on this screen are national provinces of Russia. We could have trouble with Russia in the future because of Livland. You can see national provinces have a symbol over the shield and a banner just under. The symbol and the banner are important. All cores are not necessarily national provinces now.

Again, if you look closer you can see the Russian city set for Russia but take a look at Smolensk. Obviously, the culture of this province is not Polish. The city will evolve with time even if the culture of the province doesn’t.

In the next diary, we will see settings and integration of mods in detail. To be continued...

Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 02/09/2009, 17h26
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
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En prime, un autre screen:

Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 11h35
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
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La campagne de recrutement des beta-testeurs est ouverte.
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 12h48
Avatar de vince
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je ne rejette pas en bloc.
Attendons de voir.

J'ai toujours la nostalgie, et je suivrai cela avec intérêt.
on peut caresser des idéaux sans s'éloigner d'en bas...

En France, on n'a ni pétrole, ni idées. Mais on a des taxes...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 12h53
Avatar de Maurice Morisson
Maurice Morisson Maurice Morisson est déconnecté
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En tout cas, ça fait du bien à la carte et à l'interface.
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 14h04
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
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Pour l'instant je trouve ça très positif. C'est bien de reprendre le système des alertes des jeux ultérieurs, de rendre la carte politique (ma préférée) jouable et d'ajouter d'autres modes possibles.
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 14h12
Avatar de vince
vince vince est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: août 2005
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si je ne m'abuse, les spriet des rebelles sont redevenus ceux de EU1 (le paysan et la fourche).
regardez en silesie et moravie, sur le 1er screenshot.

Dans EU2, il me semble que les spriet étaient les mêmes que les troupes régulières.
on peut caresser des idéaux sans s'éloigner d'en bas...

En France, on n'a ni pétrole, ni idées. Mais on a des taxes...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 14h26
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 300
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L'AGCEEP avait déjà changé ce sprite.
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 17h12
Avatar de vince
vince vince est déconnecté
Son excellence postissime
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Messages: 1 579
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ah c'est sprite et non pas spriet. merci

j'ai peu joué à l'AGCEEP, au passage
on peut caresser des idéaux sans s'éloigner d'en bas...

En France, on n'a ni pétrole, ni idées. Mais on a des taxes...
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Vieux 03/09/2009, 22h39
Avatar de Coelio
Coelio Coelio est déconnecté
Archevêque du Rebus
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Pour l'instant ca va dans le bon sens, mais ca reste encore un peu gadget pour que je sois convaincu.
Comme tu l'as dit dans le forum para anglais, palpat, un truc comme un réel interface politique pourrait être génial. Et rendre la carte politique jouable ne suffit pas

Donc je continue à bouder sur le fait que la carte vanilla c'est le mal absolu et que c'est vraiment un recul énorme quand tu es habitué comme moi à jouer sur MyMap (j'ai installé la dernière AGCEEP il y a un mois, ca ne m'a pas plu parce que la carte me semblait vraiment super faible à côté de MyMap), et que ne pas virer l'horrible principe de limitation du nombre de provinces c'est quand même vider le truc de son intérêt principal, vu que c'était la limite hardcodée la plus lourde....

Mais bon je dis ca, mais j'achèterai tres probablement

[20:58:20] Akmar Nibelung, Gott dit:
je m'incruste pour faire genre j'ai des amis autres que les pizzas
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