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Vieux 29/05/2006, 11h07
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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You heard it here first! A new update for Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday is on its way and we are hoping to release it next week. Keep your eyes peeled for it on the forum and game sites across the globe.

La question est: Que fait t-on?
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Vieux 29/05/2006, 11h39
Avatar de yboompook
yboompook yboompook est déconnecté
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Envoyé par LUCIFER

La question est: Que fait t-on?
vu le peu d'avancement de la GPO et le nombre de bug que DD a je pense qu'il faut attendre le patch pour refaire la GPO ...
le breton

citation de boris vian : Le jour où personne ne reviendra de la guerre, ce sera parce que la guerre aura été bien organisée.
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 08h07
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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Je soutiens l'avis d'Yboompook. Je pense aussi que l'on peut se permettre d'attendre une semaine de plus, et de recommencer à zéro.
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 08h21
Avatar de Marius
Marius Marius est déconnecté
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Si j'ai bien compris, on ne joue pas ce soir et on attend le patch 1.2 pour recommencer une nouvelle partie ?
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 12h01
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
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Si j'ai bien compris, on ne joue pas ce soir et on attend le patch 1.2 pour recommencer une nouvelle partie ?
Non, non! Deux fois non!
Cela veut dire que dès que l'on arrive à la maison, on télécharge le patch 1.2, on se rejoint sur msn à 21h (on peut je crois admettre un petit retard lié à la mise à jour de nos versions de DD), puis que l'on recommence à zéro pour s'étriper dans la joie et la bonne humeur.
NB: je voulais dire pour que l'Axe étripe les démocrates et les cocos, vous aurez rectifié de vous mêmes!

Je confirme d'ors et déjà ma présence ce soir


This is for the BOX version, the download version will have another system for updates.

---- Changes for 1.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

******* Gameplay Balancing *******
- Added "volksturm" and "modern blitzkrieg" doctrines to the german land doctrine path.
- All leaders in a combat will gain XP.
- A doctrine can no longer be abandoned if the player is doing research in the same area.
- Air units should now properly stop doing re-running missions if low on org or str.
- Escort fighters now gives a range cap instead of minus range.
- Couping nations is no longer free.
- Trickleback Factor % has been changed

******* Bugfixes *******
- Players can no longer change the building_cost.txt without a checksum change
- The multiplayer bug where players couldn't reload save games is now fixed.
- Minor optimisation of network protocol.
- The CTD when merging empty fleets is now fixed.
- Minor Bug fixes in several intelligence actions.
- The freeze when naval units have position 0 is now fixed.
- The Quit window is no longer in the back.
- Going to the auto-control screen no longer unlocks all production sliders.
- Fixed a problem with convoys not getting enough ships assigned to them.

******* AI Improvements *******
- Small tweak to ai_reactive.txt to let the AI build a bit more CV & CVL
- The AI should no longer give player controlled units "support defence" orders
- The AI file parmater for stop doing re-running missions is now loaded correctly

******* Databases *******
- Fixed the deathdate of South African tech team Jan Smuts to 1950
- Czechoslovakian general Vojcechovsky got his name fixed. Both the leader and the tech team got their death date fixed to 1951.
- Climate in 705 771 772 773 774 775 776 855 859 527 532 372 373 377 461 changed to Subarctic to better simulate mountaineous weather
- Fixed a swat of erroneously spelled minister traits
- Volksturm Doctrine now also gives a small bonus to urban defense for most units
- Hammerfest and Vardo are now 'extra' for Norway instead of 'minimum' because often NOR couldn't be released because of nations occupying either of these unimportant provinces
- CVL model 0 now gets 2 airdefence as opposed to 0
- Edited and added a few necessary tech teams for the 1953 enddate
- Semi-Modern Anti-Air Artillery brigade may now lead to the discovery of SAMs
- Advanced Air Transports may now lead to the discovery of Air Cav Divisions
- Province of Changde (1397) is now a potential extra for Manchukuo and Shanxi, not a minimum.
- Province of Bayan Nur (1439) is now a potential extra for Mengkukuo
- Techs Rear Area Supply Dumps and Deep Logistic Organisation now only give a 10% attrition mod instead of 15%. This to account for the added hospital techs.
- Changed tech component 16031 of tech 16030 (Intercontinetal Strategic Bomber) from aeronautics to rocketry
- Skill of USA's tech team Norfolk Naval Yard dropped to 8 from 9
- Scandinavian tech teams (tag SCA, not the regular Scandinavian countries tech teams) skills dropped by 1
- Climate of Elk City set to Subarctic (omission of before)
- Fixed an error where SAM could be revealed by Semi-Modern Anti-Air Artillery Brigade instead of Semi-Modern Static Anti-Air Artillery
- Fixed a command in land_doctrines_tech that gave an infantry bonus twice
- Historical year of Improved Turbojet CAS moved to 1947 (from 1945)
- Historical year of Air-to-Surface missile moved to 1951 (from 1942), since it requires Improved Turbojet CAS
- Practical Turbojet Engine may now reveal Attack Helicopters
- Slightly edited the minima & extra of the Arab Federation
- Added a few missing tech team pics to Mengkukuo
- Typo in db\tech\land_doctrines_tech.txt at line 1402 is fixed.
- Macquarie Ridge (Province 2592) is now Sub Arctic

******* Events *******
- Fixed USSR file for the Bitter Peace event with Japan Axis.
- Random Events 1000, 1010 & 1040 are now disable due to the fully functioning Intel system
- Fixed the deathdates in colonial_release.txt
- Added such events for the release of SCA by any major player to prevent exploits
- Fixed the deathdates for ai_revolters.txt (the free resources for revolters-events)
- Fixed the 'US assassinates Admiral Yamamoto' event so it sleeps the correct tech team
- Added 'persistent = yes' to the Nationalist China event to receive L-L aid from USA. The lack of this parameter prohibited the proper multiple triggering of the event
- The 'US Gearing up for War' event #58 now only moves interventionism 1 step to stop USA from entering the war too early
- Passing the Lend-Lease Act (EVT 3700) does not move the USA towards interventionism anymore.
- Having Practical Turbojet Engines is now a requirement for getting the Attack Helicopters Discovery event
- Martin Bormann should now properly become German HOG when Hess flees to the UK
- When Iraq switches sides again, former allies should properly lose military access now
- Fixed a bad trigger in the Italy Surrenders event
- Now that supplies can be traced through allies, Croatia gets back its normal provinces when released
- Added a death event for Andrew Jackson Higgins (USA)
- Romanian 'election' event 900073 should now put the proper cabinet in charge and not some Polish one (copy-paste error)
- Lend Lease Events fixed
- Added a death event for South African Jan C. Smuts (SAF)
- The USSR Great Purge now also kills of minister Alksnis (and not only the tech team by that name)
- Added a death event for Eleutherios Venizelos (GRE)
- Added a death event for Carl Mannerheim (FIN)

*******Scenario Setup*******

* 1936
- Revised Communist China land doctrines
* 1938
- Revised Communist China land doctrines
- Adjusted build times for capital ships in 38 scenario to allow for increased costs
- Adjusted carrier OOBs for 38 scenario to allow for light carriers
* 1939
- Added tech 4040 to ENG
- Removed tech 4200 from FRA
- Added a supply & oilpool to Shantou (1248)
* 1941
- Added German Escort fighters
- Gave the United Kingdom and the United States proper CVL techs
- Japan now has a CVL under constuction
- The United Kingdom now has some CVLs
- Japan now properly receives 8310 and 8320 as blueprints
* 1944
- Fixed Persian techs
- Fixed German techs
- The Malta Defense Force is no longer guarding Sunderland
- Gave Japan and the United Kingdom proper CVL techs
- Added a few CVL's to Japan, United Kingdom & United States
* 1945
- Fixed Etorofu IC
- Added Inventions to ENG and USA
- Added missing UK techs
- Fixed a few minister setup bugs (both DB and .inc based)
- Removed the duplicate CV Béarn from France and fixed its name
- Added a host of AA, air bases, naval bases, radar stations and more to the German territories. They barely had anything before.
* Barbarossa:
- Corrected province setup
- Revised SU and GER oob setup
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 12h31
Avatar de jagermeister
jagermeister jagermeister est déconnecté
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Les leaders vont tous gagner de l'xp au combat, çà c'est cool !

Le bug multi est fixé çà c'est chouette.

A ce soir sur msn.
My name is Jag.

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Vieux 30/05/2006, 14h13
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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...mais a priori, le déséquilibre qui fait gagner les Républicains espagnols 9 fois sur 10 n'est pas réglé.
Ni le bug engendré par l'abandon d'une doctrine.
L'abandon de doctrine dans cette GPO doit donc être interdit.
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 14h19
Avatar de jagermeister
jagermeister jagermeister est déconnecté
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Envoyé par LUCIFER
...mais a priori, le déséquilibre qui fait gagner les Républicains espagnols 9 fois sur 10 n'est pas réglé.
Ni le bug engendré par l'abandon d'une doctrine.
L'abandon de doctrine dans cette GPO doit donc être interdit.
Là je suis stupéfait je ne connais pas ce bug, que provoque t-il ?
My name is Jag.

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Vieux 30/05/2006, 14h59
Avatar de yboompook
yboompook yboompook est déconnecté
Duc de Bretagne
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Envoyé par jagermeister
Là je suis stupéfait je ne connais pas ce bug, que provoque t-il ?
moi non plus ...

PS pour se soir je devais aller voir un film avec des place gratuite qui finisse se soir ... donc si a 20h30 tout le monde a pas manifester sa presence se soir j'irais voir da vinci code ...
le breton

citation de boris vian : Le jour où personne ne reviendra de la guerre, ce sera parce que la guerre aura été bien organisée.
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Vieux 30/05/2006, 16h07
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
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L'abandon de doctrine engendre un exploit.
Lorsque vous l'abandonnez, non seulement vous en gardez les bonus, mais aussi, d'après ce que j'ai lu aujourd'hui chez paradox, vous les doublez.
Un exemple, une doctrine vous donne +10%. Vous l'abandonnez. Au lieu de l'abandonner et de perdre -10%, vous en gagnez +10% autres (pour moi, cela sent une erreur de signe)
Vous cherchez, puis abandonnez, 5 fois de suite la même doctrine et vous aurez ainsi +100% (5*(+10%+10%))
Et rien ne vous empêche par la suite de passer à un autre arbre de doctrine et de garder les avantages de la première.

Originally Posted by Permanganate
Sorry it took me so long, I've been installing it. I've noticed that a lot of bugs weren't fixed. For instance, Abandon Doctrine is so broken that it's an exploit; when you forget a doctrine, you get the benefit of that doctrine again! (Forget a +10 positioning doctrine, get +10 positioning!) There are still no new model names, which is really slowing down graphics mods. And so on; out of that bug thread a couple of weeks ago, there are at least two dozen unfixed bugs.

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