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Vieux 21/06/2006, 09h08
Avatar de Massassa
Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Londres
Messages: 2 743
Par défaut [SWR] - Ports à ouvrir pour le multijoueurs

Voici les ports à ouvrir pour pouvoir jouer à Rébellion sans problème, en multi !

UDP/TCP 47624
TCP 2300
UDP 2234, 2500
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
Réponse avec citation
Vieux 11/07/2006, 11h55
Avatar de Massassa
Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Londres
Messages: 2 743
Par défaut

En furetant sur les forums Lucas, j'ai trouvé une autre indication technique qui pourrait servir éventuellement plus tard. Je la recopie ici, au cas où...

As most of you people know, Star Wars: Rebellion is an old game, and as fewer might know, it's not exactly compatbile with Windows XP x64 edition... The installer is not "64-bit compliant"

So, let's bypass it altogehter shall we...

The game is basically copied from the CD straight to the hard drive, and a single registry entry made saying where the game is installed, and where it was installed from...


REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC\Star Wars Rebellion]
"InstalledLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion"
"DataLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion"
"DllLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion"
"TooBigLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion"
"EXEPath"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion\\REBEXE.EXE"
"EncyLocation"="C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars Rebellion\\EData"
"MusicVolume"=dword:000002bc "Volume"=dword:000002bc
"DisplayOpts"=dword:00000100 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LucasArts
Entertainment Company LLC\Star Wars Rebellion\Version]

The above should be copied and pasted into notepad and saved as a whatever.reg file, and Rebellion manually installed into 'C:\Program files\star wars rebellion' Run the registry entry, put the CD in your CD drive, and that ought to do it....

With a game this old, I figure posting the above shouldn't matter that much, only the diehards will want to know it...
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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