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Vieux 22/06/2011, 21h12
Avatar de Kevinus Pontifex
Kevinus Pontifex Kevinus Pontifex est déconnecté
Bill Tcherno
Date d'inscription: décembre 2010
Messages: 1 427
Par défaut Guide des Casus Belli

le guide des casus belli (pour HTTT et suivants)

on y trouve : les raisons, la durée du CB, ce que vous pouvez réclamer grâce à ce CB, le coût (en points de victoires) et le gain en prestige

écrit en langue Griffon

Defected Province

When rebels cause a province to defect, you gain this CB against the recipient of the
province.Lasts for 12 months. Can demand back the defected province at 0 infamy,
double prestige and half the peace cost.

Cancelled Loan
Triggered when a country cancels a loan from you, lasts for 12 months. Double Prestige
and half the Peace Cost for demanding money.

Discovered Spy
When a foreign spy is discovered, this Casus Belli is given for 12 months. Double
Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding money or the revocation of cores.

Disloyal Vassal
When a vassal declares war on its suzerain state, this Casus Belli is given. Zero Infamy,
double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding vassalization.

Imperial Liberation
The Emperor of the HRE gets this CB against anyone who annexes a country within the
HRE. Lasts for 24 months. One fourth the normal Infamy, double Prestige and half the
Peace Cost for demanding HRE provinces, releasing vassals and annexed nations,
reducing the SoI and demanding gold.

Diplomatic Insult
Given against countries who insult you. Lasts for 12 months. Double Prestige and half the
Peace Cost for demanding money or the revocation of cores.

Claim on Throne
Granted when you claim a throne. Lasts while the throne is claimed. Allows the
formation of a Personal Union, annexation, and the taking of provinces at one tenth the
normal Infamy, double Prestige and half the Peace Cost.

Granted against all countries that are at war with your allies, but not with you. Lasts
while this is the case. Double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for release of vassals and
countries, reduction of Sphere, revocation of cores and gold.

Dishonoured Call

Given against countries that dishonour a call to arms. Lasts for 36 months. Double
Prestige and half the Peace Cost for gold and revocation of cores.

This Casus Belli is granted immediately when you get certain missions, when the mission
requires you to conquer some provinces. A quarter of the normal Infamy, double Prestige
and half the Peace Cost for demanding the target provinces.

This is another Casus Belli that is given by missions; in this case when the mission
requires you to vassalize a country. Zero Infamy, double Prestige and half the peace cost
for vassalization.

Religious Unity
Given to the Emperor of the HRE when a country refuses his demand for Religious
Conformance. Zero Infamy, double Prestige and half the peace cost for demanding
religious conversion.

This is the daddy of all Casus Bellis, active against any country that holds at least one of
your core provinces. Zero Infamy, double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding
core provinces.

This is a late game Casus Belli that becomes available at government tech level 30. It
allows you to declare war on all countries with provinces of your culture group. Half
Infamy, double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding those provinces.

This is another late game Casus Belli, but rather than requiring a certain tech level, it is
available for five government types; Revolutionary Empire, Revolutionary Republic,
Enlightened Despotism, Republican Dictatorship, or Absolute Monarchy. It allows you
declare war on anyone. Three quarters Infamy, and Peace Cost for annexations and
demanding of all provinces.

Revolutionary War
In the late game, monarchies and republics with the idea 'Revolution and Counter' get this
Casus Belli against each other. Quarter Infamy and half the Peace Cost for annexations
and demanding of all provinces.

This becomes available against countries with distant overseas provinces bordering your
own, but it requires the 'Quest for the New World' idea. Quarter Infamy and half the
Peace Cost for demanding those overseas provinces.

Restoration of Union
When a Personal Union is broken, the old suzerain state gets this Casus Belli for ten
years. It allows the restoration of the union in the peace treaty.

Countries with the 'Bill of Rights' national idea get this Casus Belli against nations that
can release at least one state, or a vassal. Triple Prestige and half the Peace Cost for
release of vassals and countries.

Holy War
Muslims and Christians get this Casus Belli against countries of a different religion
group, but it requires them to be neighbours, or that they have 'Unam Sanctam', 'Divine
Supremacy', 'Empire' form of government, or are the Defender of the Faith. It is also
given against the target of a Crusade. The Holy War Casus Belli is disabled after 1650.
One quarter the Infamy, 50% more Prestige and half the Peace Cost for annexation and
demanding of all provinces.

Cleansing of Heresy
This is the 'Unam Sanctam' Casus Belli, given against countries of a different religion
within the same religion group. It is also given against countries with the 'Heretic'
modifier. One quarter the Infamy, double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding
provinces of our religion or a forced conversion.

Border Friction
This Casus Belli is sometimes triggered by a certain event, when a foreign National
Focus is right on your border, and not in their capital. Half the Infamy and Peace Cost for
demanding their provinces with the National Focus effect.

Excommunicated Ruler

This is given to Catholics against excommunicated countries. One quarter the Infamy,
25% more Prestige and half the Peace Cost for all normal peace demand options.

Trade Dispute

The Trade Dispute Casus Belli is active against countries that embargo you, and is also
always active for Merchant Republics against each other. Double Prestige and half the
Peace Cost for demanding gold, revocation of cores or that the enemy joins our Trade

Imperial Ban
Once the Holy Roman Emperor has passed the 'Reichsreform' HRE decision, he gets a
Casus Belli against all countries with at least one province within the HRE, but who are
not HRE members. 10% Infamy, double Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding
the release of vassals, countries, or HRE provinces.

Violated Sphere of Influence

This Casus Belli is given for 24 months against anyone who meddles with a country in
your Sphere of Influence. Double the Prestige and half the Peace Cost for demanding the
annulment of treaties, reduction of Sphere, or simply gold.

Dishonourable Scum
Countries that exceed their Infamy limit will trigger this Casus Belli against them for all
other countries. It allows for most peace options at a very reduced Infamy cost. One
quarter Infamy and 75% Peace Cost for all normal peace demand options.

Colonial Conquest
Countries of a religion that is designated as 'annexable', i.e. native tribes, can be attacked
with this Casus Belli. 20% Infamy and half the Peace Cost for annexation and demanding
of provinces, plus release of vassals, countries, reduction of Sphere, gold, and revocation
of cores.

Obscure Documents
This Casus Belli is triggered by 'Fabricate Claim' spy action, for 12 months. Allows the
formation of a Personal Union in the peace.

Trade League War

This Casus Belli is given to Merchant Republics when a member of their Trade League
leaves. It allows them to demand gold, or a return to the League.
There are two kinds of people in the world my friend, those with a rope around their neck and the people who have the job of doing the cutting
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Vieux 22/06/2011, 21h16
Avatar de Kevinus Pontifex
Kevinus Pontifex Kevinus Pontifex est déconnecté
Bill Tcherno
Date d'inscription: décembre 2010
Messages: 1 427
Par défaut

a mettre en post it si vous le jugez utile!
There are two kinds of people in the world my friend, those with a rope around their neck and the people who have the job of doing the cutting
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