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Vieux 18/06/2006, 10h50
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Par défaut Tie Phantom

Cette semaine, en essayant un mod pour X-wing Alliance, qui ajoute plein de vaisseaux au jeu original, je suis tombé sur ce chasseur: le Tie Phantom.

J'ai voulu en savoir plus, j'ai trouvé cet article sur Wookiepedia:

The TIE Phantom was a prototype TIE series starfighter, modified from a V38 assault fighter, equipped with a dangerous technology unseen in decades—a stygium cloaking device.

This cloaking technology was used on Scimitar, piloted by Darth Maul during his search for Queen Amidala in 32 BBY. The cloaking device utilized stygium crystals and could be used to track other ships unseen until the moment of firing, thus getting the jump on their enemy. It was armed with three laser cannons mounted on its three wings, and two body mounted laser cannons. It required two pilots for operation.

* 1 Operational history
* 2 Appearances
* 3 Sources
* 4 External links

Operational history

The TIE Phantom was the brainchild of Grand Admiral Martio Batch, after the development of the hibridium-based cloaking device. Wanting to recreate the successful stygium cloaking screen used in the Sith Infiltrator, he ordered the superlaser platform Tarkin to the planet Aeten II, whose mines, the only known source of the rare stygium crystal, had dried up long before. Batch used the Tarkin to shatter the planet, releasing thousands of the crystals to be used in Batch's new project.

The TIE Phantom was a heavily modified version of a stock V38 assault fighter—leading some to refer to the Phantom TIEs by this designation—and initial prototypes were tested near Dreighton. When preliminary tests were completed, Darth Vader took control of the project and ordered the full scale production of the Phantom. The first wave of those was Sigma Squadron.

The TIE Phantom has slightly above normal firepower for a starfighter of its class. This stealth fighter could move through space neither spotted on sensors nor by any pilot until they were ready to strike. The greatest advantage of that craft was that they had a built in mechanism that allowed the pilot to fire its lasers at any time, and have the device automatically shut off and turn back on after every volley. This in effect allowed the TIE Phantom to be virtually invisible 99 percent of the time.

The TIE Phantom was first deployed after the Rebel Alliance deployed the B-wing starfighter, and destroyed three X-wings in a demonstration. The YT-1300 light freighter Corellia Star was able to find out about the TIE Phantom project, but was captured on Dreighton trying to return to the Rebel Alliance Fleet. Two B-wings were then sent to investigate, but the Phantoms appeared and shot the leader down. "Rookie One" however survived. The TIE Phantom was deployed again when an Imperial mining facility in the Arah asteroid belt was destroyed. It destroyed two out of three Rascal X-wings, but Rookie One again survived. The X-wing's flight recorder showed the capabilities of the TIE Phantom, and prompted Admiral Ackbar to launch an operation to destroy the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Terror (under the command of Admiral Sarn), the production facility for the TIE Phantoms. Rookie One and Ru Murleen were able to steal a TIE Phantom and destroy Terror, as well as the research plant on Imdaar Alpha.

The stolen Phantom was taken back to the Rebel Fleet, but the designers had already predicted this: Each fighter had a self-destruct mechanism disabled by some Imperial code, so that should one fall in the hands of the Rebels, they wouldn't be able to replicate its technology. After the destruction of this short-lived fighter, its technology was lost forever.

Following the failure of the TIE Phantom project, Batch fled into hiding, where he was later executed by his first officer.

* Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
* Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire (First appearance)
Je n'ai pas encore lu les livres où il fait son apparition, normal...
Il a une belle allure.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h10
Avatar de Massassa
Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
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Sienar Fleet Systems Republic T.I.E. Fighter

The Republic TIE, is one of the oldest serving craft from Sienar Fleet Systems, used by the Old Republic it first saw service during the Clone Wars.

Armed only with 2 medium class lasers and lacking shields its agility made up for its weakness. The Republic TIE was often deployed in overwhelming numbers to compensate for its weakness.

After the Wars, production of the Republic TIE was brought to a halt, due to the takeover of Sienar Fleet Systems by the Empire and the introduction of faster craft.

In later year the Republic TIE, now an old craft can still be found in small numbers in remote Outer Rim Sectors, used by pirate clans.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h13
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Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
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Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Scimitar or Scimitar Assault Bomber v2

Scimitar assault bombers are the newest generation of Imperial bombers and were ordered into production when (Grand Admiral Thrawn returned to seize control of the Empire's remnants. The ship is a dedicated atmospheric and spaces bomber with superior performance compared with the standard TIE bomber. It was designed with the assistance of the elite "Scimitar" bomber assault wing, the most decorated active Imperial bomber wing.

The bomber has a single pod with two elongated solar array wings unlike most Imperial vessels; the Scimitar is a two-man ship. The pilot and bomber compartment is in the forward section of the pod and can be quickly ejected from the main hull in the event of a critical hit by enemy gunners. This compartment extends ahead of the wings giving the pilot and bomber superior visibility compared with the TIE bomber.

The navigation and targeting systems, the power generator and the twin repulsorlift engines are housed in the middle of the pod. The repulsor thrusters are placed in the Scimitars wing struts for greater manoeuvrability. The rear portion of the pod contains the bomb bay and the sublight ion engine.

The bomb bay has room for sixteen concussion missiles each with an effective range of nine kilometres. Each warhead is powerful enough to destroy city buildings, reinforced bunkers, heavy repulsorlift speeders or even AT-AT walkers. While the Concussion missile loud is the standard weapon complement, proton grenades and free falling thermal detonators also can be loaded into the Scimitars bomb bays. The linked forward laser cannons have superior computer targeting for strafing runs against enemy troops and other ground targets.

Note: Included in the zip are the three opts, MXvTED *.Shp file, BHE stats and Hull icon.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h14
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Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
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The TIE Raptor v2

This was the name of a droid-operated TIE Interceptor developed by Warlord Zsinj, during his battle against the New Republic. They first saw duty with the false 181st Fighter Group Zsinj assembled, in hopes of drawing out Rogue Squadron.

The droid fighters were paired with human-piloted Interceptors, a combination which allowed the humans to lead and the droids to follow in their wake, making up for any piloting mistakes the humans made. They would have found more widespread usage if they weren't soundly defeated in dogfights during the Battle of Selaggis.

Resembling the normal TIE Fighter cockpit, but with four wings mounted directly to the cockpit pod, the TIE Raptor was eventually modified for flight by a living pilots, shortly before Zsinj's destruction at Dathomir.

The TIE Raptor lacked shields, although this deficiency was being addressed at the time of Zsinj's demise.

Each TIE Raptor was armed with four laser cannons, mounted on the wings, and a pair of concussion missile tubes mounted just below the cockpit. Despite the striking similarity between the TIE Raptor and the basic TIE Fighter, Sienar Fleet Systems was not responsible for its design or manufacture.

Description by Rainer Weninger aka Kyle Katarn.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h17
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Envoyé par Massassa

Sienar Fleet Systems Republic T.I.E. Fighter

The Republic TIE, is one of the oldest serving craft from Sienar Fleet Systems, used by the Old Republic it first saw service during the Clone Wars.

Armed only with 2 medium class lasers and lacking shields its agility made up for its weakness. The Republic TIE was often deployed in overwhelming numbers to compensate for its weakness.

After the Wars, production of the Republic TIE was brought to a halt, due to the takeover of Sienar Fleet Systems by the Empire and the introduction of faster craft.

In later year the Republic TIE, now an old craft can still be found in small numbers in remote Outer Rim Sectors, used by pirate clans.
Hum... Tu n'as pas trouvé çà sur Wookiepedia je suppose, je ne crois pas que cet appareil soit "canon" dans l'univers. Mais, à l'époque où les sources de l'univers étendu sur la Guerre des Clones étaient rares -sortie de l'ep II-, j'avais pu le piloter dans XWA version intégrale dans ce qui leur servait de campagne guerre des clones et d'Episode III. C'était grandiose!
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h20
Avatar de Massassa
Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Exact, très cher ami chasseurophile.

D'après ce que j'ai vu sur wiki (et non wookie) pedia, ce chasseur est une création de fans, basée sur des rumeurs.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h23
Avatar de Massassa
Massassa Massassa est déconnecté
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Et ça, tu connais ?

Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Shadow A-Type v2

Developed by Aran Technologies after they received the plans for the TIE Phantom, the TIE Shadow A-Type has been designed as more powerful tool for modern covert warfare. An advanced computer system, which posses a high level Artificial Intelligence (AI), was integrated into the TIE Shadow. This effectively eliminates the need for a gunner, and simultaneously provides the starfighter with an unparalleled level of computing power, enabling the design of the craft to be smaller and more efficient. Cutting edge advances in Materials Science have enabled the designers to provide the TIE Shadow with a high-loss coating, which serves to absorb and dissipate the energy from incoming sensor signals, thus providing a large measure of passive stealth. The ship's sensors were similarly upgraded, making use of the latest experimental technology, providing increased range and resolution, while implementing several new modes of propagation. Additionally, by tapping the hull coating, the new passive sensor systems have their efficiency and range of applications increased by several orders of magnitude. By fully integrating the sensors and communications array via the AI, it is possible to transmit a false sensor signature response (e.g.: the TIE Shadow can appear on sensors as a small freighter, asteroid, etc...).

The TIE Shadow retains most of the original Phantom's weaponry. The three lasers are slightly down-powered turbolasers that have been modified for rapid fire capabilities. Because these guns are more powerful, with a greater range, the lasers require a longer period to cycle between firing. However, if the situation so demands, the lasers are modified to allow the pilot to fire nominal charges that yield a rate of fire surpassing that of a normal TIE's lasers. Like the TIE Phantom's lasers, the TIE Shadow's are also fitted with radiation shielding and armour to keep them operational where other systems might fail. Additionally, a pair of warhead launchers are attached to the Shadow, using the space which previously held the rear ejection mechanism for extra warhead storage. With these, the ship has the ability to stage sudden and deadly strikes.

For propulsion, the TIE Shadow makes use of two slightly modified SFS P-sz9.7 Ion Engines, which were initially created for the TIE Defender. The modification serves to reduce their emission profile, while still providing enough speed to escape from a hostile situation should it become necessary. With its precision hull design, and a more powerful variable inertial compensation system, the TIE Shadow is equipped for extreme manoeuvrability.

The TIE Shadow is intended to be much more heavily reliant on stealth and skill than brute force as was the TIE Phantom. As a result, the cloaking device has been heavily upgraded. To provide the device with far more power, the size of ship's generator has been increased, while the shield generator's size has been proportionally decreased. The cloak can now be activated for an extended period of time, up to one week (ingame: three minutes at full recharge) before the device must be deactivated to dissipate the excess heat. With the precision timing of the TIE Shadow's AI, it is possible to run the cloaking device up to the instant that the hyperdrive engines engaged, and can resume functioning the instant that they disengage and the ship reverts to normal space. However, due to the intense power use of the hyperdrive engines, it is not possible to remain cloaked while in hyperspace.

Stats and Description created by Death and Kyle Katarn.
"I think Han Solo is the character we wish we were but we aren't, while Jar-Jar is the character we wish we weren't, but we are."
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h27
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Ca ressemble beaucoup à un chasseur Chiss...

Nssis-class Clawcraft

Nssis-class Clawcraft Production information Manufacturer Unknown (probably shipyards in the territory of the Empire of the Hand and later the Chiss Ascendancy)

Product line TIE series relative

Model Nssis-class Clawcraft

Class Starfighter

Technical specifications Length 7.65 meters

Maximum acceleration 3,800 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere) 1,000 km/h

Engine unit(s) SFS ion engines

Hyperdrive rating Class 1.5

Shielding Equipped

Navigation system Chiss hyperspace beacon system (navigation computer could be installed as an upgrade)

Armament 4 SFS L-s7.2 laser cannons

Crew 1 pilot

Passengers None

Cargo capacity 25 kilograms

Consumables 1 week

Usage Role(s) Space superiority fighter

Era(s) New Jedi Order era

Affiliation [Hide] "You have to admire the Chiss. They don't just steal your technology—they make it better." — Anonymous Imperial engineer The Nssis-class Clawcraft was a starfighter normally associated with the Chiss, but in fact was a hybrid development of standard Imperial technology.

The fuselage was based on the ubiquitous "ball cockpit" of the TIE series of Imperial starfighters, with a Sienar ion drive pod mounted on the rear, but stemming from the junction of cockpit and drive pod were two pair of curving wings which thrust out like an X-wing's strike-foils, and then extended forward in a claw-like grip around the cockpit. At the tip of each wing was a Sienar L-s7.2 laser cannon.

With modest deflector shields and thicker hull armor, Clawcraft were slower at sublight speeds than their TIE Fighter progenitors, although the ion engines allowed the ship to achieve an atmospheric speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour, and a respectable sublight acceleration of almost forty thousand meters per second. Clawcraft made up for their lower sublight speed by greater maneuverability. Each curved wing could make minor position adjustments and was paired with a mounted control jet to allow a Clawcraft’s pilot to throw the ship into sharp turns and complex maneuvers.

A Chiss Clawcraft.

A unique hyperspace beacon system allowed a Clawcraft to make lightspeed jumps without an on-board navigation computer, enabling it to function as a long-range craft while significantly reducing the weight, size and complexity of non-combat equipment carried. But the starfighter's dependance on navigational data transmitted from a nexus of anchor points also restricted the area in which most Clawcraft could operate. For long-range deployment, ships of this class typically had to travel with specialist beacon ships, until by 28 ABY, new variants began to enter service, featuring on-board navicomps for the first time.

Nssis-class Clawcraft were often associated in the public imagination with the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, but although the basic term "clawcraft" would appear to be a Chiss one, and fighters so described were used as trainers at by cadets at Chiss military academies as early as 19 ABY, there is no direct evidence that these ships incorporated the TIE technology of the Nssis-class. In fact, the design lineage and operational history of the classic Clawcraft connects the type far more closely with the forces loyal to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Part of the confusion stems from the fact that Thrawn's Household Phalanx was largely staffed by Chiss personnel—but this unit was a "rogue phalanx" operating independently of the CEDF, commanded by Imperial General Soontir Fel, and operated alongside the stormtroopers and line military units of the Empire of the Hand.

By 19 ABY, pilots from the Household Phalanx were using long-range scout vessels combining TIE cockpits and drives with alien technology in a manner that bear an obvious similarity to the Clawcraft, and it is known that the Empire of the Hand was using some form of Clawcraft as combat fighters by 22 ABY, at which point the Chiss Ascendancy was still apparently refusing to adapt non-Chiss technology. The Nssis-class was revealed to the wider galaxy in 26 ABY, when three squadrons of Chiss pilots from the Household Phalanx fought at Garqi and Ithor. A part of this force continued to fight alongide Rogue Squadron until at least the battle of Kalarba, and after the fall of Coruscant, a wing-pair of Household Phalanx Clawcraft were sent back to scout by Baron Fel, joined later by several squadrons of combat pilots, who fought alongside the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances until the end of the war.

A few Nssis-class ships were seen in Chiss space in 29 ABY, by which time unknown political developments in the Unknown Regions had led to Baron Fel becoming Assistant Syndic of the CEDF; but it was not until the clashes with the Killik Colony in 36 ABY and 38 ABY that the familiar Clawcraft categorically appeared in large numbers in CEDF forces.

Behind the scenes

A Chiss Clawcraft, apparently with the moons of Rhigar in the background.

As originally introduced in Dark Tide II: Ruin, the Clawcraft seems to have been intended as a hybrid Chiss/Imperial design flown by Chiss pilots allied with Imperial forces in the Unknown Regions, independent of the Chiss government. Author Michael A. Stackpole may have also intended the wings to be more sharp-edged and angular than those depicted in subsequent illustrations. Later novels and guidebooks associated the Clawcraft instead with the Chiss Ascendancy, leading to a number of minor continuity problems. Various fan theories have been advanced to solve these problems, but as yet, no clear explanation has been given.

Most notably, this article cautiously suggests that the Clawcraft described in the short story Red Sky, Blue Flame were purely Chiss designs, as the text makes no reference to TIE cockpits or Imperial technology, and the novel Survivor's Quest implies that the Chiss military was not using foreign technology in this timeframe; but it should be noted that the associated image shows a Nssis-class fighter, with a TIE-style cockpit.



Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h51
Avatar de Danton
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Une mine d'information ce site...

Beaucoup de choses à apprendre encore tu as
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Vieux 18/06/2006, 11h14
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
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Tu as essayé quel mod??

Sinon, concernant ce Tie Phantom, il vient apparement de Rebel Assault.
En furetant sur wookiepedia, on se rend compte de l'extrême richesse de l'univers SW! De -25 000 avant la bataille de Yavin jusque, recemment, 130 ans après!
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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