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Vieux 13/03/2008, 14h05
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
Honorable posteur
Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
Messages: 652
Par défaut Patch Armageddon v1.2

Patch 1.2 for Armageddon is now available via your Gamersgate downloader

For those of you with the Anthology version of Armageddon, a direct link:
Patch 1.2

List of changes

************************************************** ************************************************** **
* 1.2
************************************************** ************************************************** **

- Spycosts are now properly checking the senders sliders, not the targets sliders.
- All unit modifiers are now saved, even if at 0.
- 0 IC is now saved properly.
- Reversed some messages for spies.
- Naval attachments should now be deployable after a save&reload.
- AI now takes naval brigades under development into account when determening to build more.
- Free manpower now handles fractions.
- Funding partisans have a cap, and is slightly less efficient than before.
- Nationalism/Partisans now drop by 1% a month.
- Mission efficiency in combat is now applied correctly.
- The game now correctly identifies submarines in logics for wolfpacks and ASW.
- ASW should not be less effective catching submarines, but more effective.
- Shorebombardment modifier is now capped at 25% as in doomsday.
- Fixed a crashbug in the AI.
- A military controlled country should no longer cancel unit orders when a war is declared.
- Fixed a large amount of syntax bugs in the leader/tech databases.
- Fixed a problem with an upgraded radar attachment giving distance bonus instead of costing supplies.
- Naval attachment can now actually upgrade.
- Fleets will now upgrade attachments even if the first attachment is not eligible.
- Naval attachment upgrades progess is now shown properly in the ledger.
- Any province that can trace supply back to capital through puppets/allies, will now ships its resources back automatically without need for convoys.
- Have fixed that the improved version of the ASW attachment no longer says capital ASW (as it won’t go onto capital ships)
- A number of events how have pictures, or more exactly are reusing other pictures.

- USA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- TUR Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SWE Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SOV Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SIA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SAF Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ROM Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- PER Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- NEP Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Pre Global War scenario had two entries for belligerence in the INC file removed one.
- JAP Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ITA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Pre Global War scenario had two entries for transports and escorts in the INC file removed one set.
- FRA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ENG Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Pre Global War scenario had province ID 1305 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- BRA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- BRA Pre Global War scenario had province ID 816 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- AST Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- Pre Global War scenario had no enddate (added 1954 as the enddate)
- USA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- TUR Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SWE Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SOV Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SIA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SAF Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ROM Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- PER Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- NEP Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- JAP Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ITA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- FRA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ENG Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Global War scenario had province ID 1305 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- BRA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- BRA Global War scenario had province ID 816 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- AST Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- Global War scenario had no enddate (added 1954 as the enddate)
- USA 1945 scneario file fixed over 40 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- SOV 1945 scenario had province 1177 with damaged AA guns which is not used any where else changed it to un-damaged.
- SOV 1945 scenario had two entries for transports and escorts in the INC file removed one set.
- SOV 1945 scenario had province ID 208 defined twice in the INC file (removed one)
- SAF 1945 scenario had an Interceptor in the INC file with two model numbers removed one.
- AI will choose what units to use for invasion more wisely.
- Added several minor leader images and tech team images
- Added several missing propaganda images
- Added Generals for U74 and U87
- U96 Had minsiter IDs fixed
- U97 Had minister IDs fixed
- country.csv had a duplicate entry UTC one should have been UCS.
- U88, U90 and U99 fixed duplicate tech team IDs.
- Land Doctrine tech ID 14090 remvoed the command to effect land forts as it does nothing in game.
- Japan Minister file line 13 had ID 5211 when it should be 5011 (Dupe ID problem)
- UCH Minister file line 46 had minister ID 65343 when it should be 65344 (Dupe ID problem)
- UPR Minister file line 21 had minister ID 79729 when it should be 79719 (Dupe ID problem)
- RUS Minister file had roughly 10 ministers with the same ID from the SOV file (fixed).
- UTC Minister file had roughly 10 ministers with the same ID from the SAL file (fixed)
- CGX 1936 scenario file had a spy bug going to CBX (not exist) changed to CXB.
- GER 1936 scenario file had two starting interceptors in the INC file but trying to attach a brigade (brigade removed)
- USA 1936, 1938 scenario file had a spy bug going to PRO (not exist) changed to PRU.
- FIN 1938, 1939, 1941 scenario file had a spy bug going to DAN (not exist) changed to DEN.
- GER 1938 scenario file line 1274 had an infantry division under development with a month of "nov" changed to "november"
- SPA 1938 scenario file Spain starts with a destroyer but it specifies a brigade model instead of a model (fixed).
- USA 1939 scenario file line 1824 had two strength parms for the strategic bomber removed one.
- GER 1944 scenario had an armor division specified in INC file with two models, one should have been a brigade model.
- JAP 1944 scenario had a light armor division specified in INC file with two models, one should have been a brigade model.
- SAF 1944 scenario file had a starting interceptors in the INC file but trying to attach a brigade (brigade removed)
- SOV 1944 scneario file fixed over 40 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- USA 1944 scneario file fixed over 20 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- PER 1944 scneario file had all of their techs defined under techlevels should have been techapps.

Johan Andersson
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Vieux 13/03/2008, 15h53
Avatar de Emp_Palpatine
Emp_Palpatine Emp_Palpatine est déconnecté
Ronald Reagan du QG
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Höchlstr.2 8000 München 80
Messages: 5 298
Par défaut

Et au final, c'est jouable maintenant?
Si je me souviens bien , certains bugs d'arma étaient des game killers...
Bon... J'ai peut-être fait quelques petites concessions...
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Vieux 13/03/2008, 16h28
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
Messages: 652
Par défaut

Envoyé par Emp_Palpatine
Et au final, c'est jouable maintenant?
Si je me souviens bien , certains bugs d'arma étaient des game killers...
Tout ceux qui ont pu le tester disent que oui.
Les missions ASW fonctionnent, l'efficacité des doctrines aussi, l'attachement des brigades navales aussi,etc...
Je verrai cela ce soir :geek:
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Vieux 14/03/2008, 12h30
Fierrann Fierrann est déconnecté
Jeune apprenti
Date d'inscription: octobre 2005
Messages: 201
Par défaut

Dès que j'ai ta confirmation lulu, je me l'achète, j'attendais un patch stable pour ça
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Vieux 16/03/2008, 20h01
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
Messages: 652
Par défaut

Envoyé par Fierrann
Dès que j'ai ta confirmation lulu, je me l'achète, j'attendais un patch stable pour ça
Je n'ai testé que tout début 36.
Mais d'après ce que j'ai pu lire sur le site Paradox anglophone:

-Les problèmes d'efficacité des missions semblent être résolus

-Ceux des attachements des brigades navales aussi

-les missions ASW (anti sous-marin) reprennent tout leur sens

-les problèmes de création de fantoches (qui n'ont pas de généraux, ex: Chine) sont parfois résolus.

-ce qui était "cassé" dans les missions d'espionnage est semble t-il corrigé.

Par contre:

-les problèmes de date de début des missions (la date n'est plus par défaut à celle du jeu, mais à la dernière utilisée -pour faire simple-) ne sont pas corrigés. Pas gênant néanmoins si l'on ne programme pas à l'avance ses combats (la mission est donc prévu pour commencer dans le passé dans ce cas, et commence donc tout de suite), plus gênant si l'on veut programmer une attaque à l'aube suivante, auquel cas on se retrouve avec une belle attaque commençant de nuit si l'on n'y fait pas attention.

-l'utilité/inutilité des radars n'est pas certaine, Johan semblant s'être contredit à ce sujet.

-un nouveau bug est apparu, le % des mises à jour n'apparaît plus dans les statistiques, excepté pour les brigades

-les unités achetées ne peuvent plus être upgradées à un niveau technologique supérieur à celui de leurs anciens propriétaires (du moins pour les avions. Pour les unités terrestres, il suffirait de les bouger stratégiquement pour les débloquer)

-Il semblerait que l'ancien fichier utilisé pour la rapidité des gains en XP a été repris -par erreur-

Mon opinion a deux sous: Si tout cela est confirmé, alors Armaggedon apporte réellement une autre dimension au naval. Je te le conseille. De toute façon, ma prochaine GPO se fera avec cette version.
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Vieux 21/03/2008, 10h14
Fierrann Fierrann est déconnecté
Jeune apprenti
Date d'inscription: octobre 2005
Messages: 201
Par défaut

Envoyé par LUCIFER
Mon opinion a deux sous: Si tout cela est confirmé, alors Armaggedon apporte réellement une autre dimension au naval. Je te le conseille. De toute façon, ma prochaine GPO se fera avec cette version.
lol tu fais ton commercial en essayant de me motiver pour la prochaine GPO ?
Bon okay ca a marché !
je vais le commander.
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