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Emp_Palpatine 23/12/2010 13h47

Je n'ai rien modifié du tout!
J'en appelle aux franconautes volontaires! Qu'ils se signalent et constatent de visu que je tranche Thrawn. :o:

GA_Thrawn 23/12/2010 14h45

Massassa vient nous arbitrer. :o:
(et accessoirement nous expliquer comment on crée un serveur) :o:

jagermeister 24/12/2010 14h26



Q: How do I configure my firewall or router for online play for Jedi Academy? What ports need to be opened?
A: Firewall software is designed to prevent hostile action from outside your computer or network from affecting files on your hard drive. Internet gaming activity can seem like such action to this type of software. You may encounter problems trying to connect to a multiplayer game if your computer is behind a firewall. Please refer to your firewall documentation for suggestions on how to allow specific programs to operate through it if you do not intend to temporarily take it down, or ask your network/system administrator for assistance. In addition, many routers designed to share one Internet connection among more than one computer have firewalls built into them. Most routers require specific Internet ports to be opened before multiplayer games will function correctly. The specific UDP ports that Jedi Academy uses are 28060, 28061, 28062, and 28070 through 28081 (inclusive.) These ports need to be opened in the Out-bound direction to join games. They will also need to be opened in the In-bound direction if you want players outside of your firewall to be able to join your dedicated or non-dedicated servers behind your firewall. Please consult your router manufacturer's manual for information on how to set these ports.

Emp_Palpatine 24/12/2010 15h04

Ouais, mais moi je sais pas ouvrir des ports. J'attends donc que des franconautes nous rejoignent pour me connecter à leur partie.

T'étais pas intéressé Jagounet? :hello:

jagermeister 24/12/2010 15h08


Envoyé par Emp_Palpatine (Message 187241)
T'étais pas intéressé Jagounet? :hello:

Si mais faut se fixer des rendez vous sinon je peux pas savoir. :lol:

Emp_Palpatine 24/12/2010 15h29

Bon, t'es dispo quand?
Perso, moi, dès le 25 au soir c'est jouable. :o: :hello:

jagermeister 24/12/2010 15h41


Envoyé par Emp_Palpatine (Message 187246)
Bon, t'es dispo quand?
Perso, moi, dès le 25 au soir c'est jouable. :o: :hello:

Ok disons vers 21h.

Je vais voir si je peux hoster en ouvrant les bons ports. :hello:

Emp_Palpatine 24/12/2010 16h31

C'est noté! :combat:

jagermeister 25/12/2010 18h55

Rendez vers 21h, j'ai essayé de créer des parties et çà semble marcher.

On se donnera rdv sur le chat. :hello:

Emp_Palpatine 25/12/2010 20h30

Présent! :o:

Fuseau horaire GMT +2. Il est actuellement 12h09.

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