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DarthMath 14/03/2017 19h31

De Gaulle pour un coup d'état en Irak !! :chargez::usa:

Reborn 14/03/2017 19h36


* US attempts Coup in Iraq with 4 Ops.
DEFCON decreased to 3.
Coup and Realignment attempts no longer permitted in Asia.
US rolls a 2.
2 + 4 Ops - 2*3 Stability = 0
Coup Attempt fails.
US Military Ops increased to 4.
Un peu osé. :o:

Emp_Palpatine 14/03/2017 19h37 :tongue:

DarthMath 14/03/2017 19h43

C'était ça ou perdre 4 PV ... puis j'avais 66% de chances d'obtenir un résultat positif ... ;)

Reborn 14/03/2017 20h10

Tour 3


DEFCON increased to 4.
Coup and Realignment attempts now permitted in Asia.

Reborn 15/03/2017 18h38

Arab-Israeli War pour l'URSS :???:

*** USSR plays Arab-Israeli War Event.
A Pan-Arab Coalition invades Israel.
USSR Military Ops increased to 2.
US controls Lebanon and Jordan. -2 die-roll modifier.
USSR rolls a 3.
Israel wins Arab-Israeli War.
La guerre des Six Jours est en faveur d’Israël.

Europe Scoring
pour les USA

*** US scores Europe.
USSR has Presence in Europe for 3 VPs.
USSR controls 2 Battleground Countries in Europe for 2 VPs.
US has Presence in Europe for 3 VPs.
US controls 2 Battleground Countries in Europe for 2 VPs.
No change in VPs.

Emp_Palpatine 15/03/2017 19h03

Destalinisation pour un putsch en Iran. :o:

Reborn 15/03/2017 19h27


* USSR attempts Coup in Iran with 3 Ops.
DEFCON decreased to 3.
Coup and Realignment attempts no longer permitted in Asia.
USSR rolls a 2.
2 + 3 Ops - 2*2 Stability = 1
Coup Attempt is successful.
US Influence in Iran reduced to 2.
USSR Military Ops increased to 5.
Bof. :o:

Emp_Palpatine 15/03/2017 19h31

C'est parce que j'ai posté Manau, c'est ça? :o:

DarthMath 15/03/2017 19h34

Suez Crisis avec event first.
Puis 1 UK, 2 Iran.

Fuseau horaire GMT +2. Il est actuellement 14h37.

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